PostgreSQLLa base de données la plus sophistiquée au monde.

Version anglaise

E.184. Release 7.4.18


Release Date


This release contains fixes from 7.4.17. For information about new features in the 7.4 major release, see Section E.202, « Release 7.4 ».

E.184.1. Migration to Version 7.4.18

A dump/restore is not required for those running 7.4.X. However, if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 7.4.11, see Section E.191, « Release 7.4.11 ».

E.184.2. Changes

  • Prevent index corruption when a transaction inserts rows and then aborts close to the end of a concurrent VACUUM on the same table (Tom)

  • Make CREATE DOMAIN ... DEFAULT NULL work properly (Tom)

  • Fix excessive logging of SSL error messages (Tom)

  • Fix crash when log_min_error_statement logging runs out of memory (Tom)

  • Prevent CLUSTER from failing due to attempting to process temporary tables of other sessions (Alvaro)

  • Require non-superusers who use /contrib/dblink to use only password authentication, as a security measure (Joe)