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Documentation PostgreSQL 17.0 » Langage SQL » Recherche plein texte » Support de psql

12.10. Support de psql #

Des informations sur les objets de configuration de la recherche plein texte peuvent être obtenues dans psql en utilisant l'ensemble de commandes :

   \dF{d,p,t}[+] [MODÈLE]

Un + supplémentaire affiche plus de détails.

Le paramètre optionnel MODÈLE doit être le nom d'un objet de la recherche plein texte, pouvant être qualifié du nom du schéma. Si MODÈLE est omis, alors l'information sur tous les objets visibles est affichée. MODÈLE peut être une expression rationnelle et peut fournir des modèles séparés pour les noms du schéma et de l'objet. Les exemples suivants illustrent ceci :

=> \dF *fulltext*
       List of text search configurations
 Schema |  Name        | Description
 public | fulltext_cfg |

=> \dF *.fulltext*
       List of text search configurations
 Schema   |  Name        | Description
 fulltext | fulltext_cfg |
 public   | fulltext_cfg |

Les commandes suivantes sont :

\dF[+] [MODÈLE]

Liste les configurations de recherche plein texte (ajouter + pour plus de détails).

=> \dF russian
            List of text search configurations
   Schema   |  Name   |            Description
 pg_catalog | russian | configuration for russian language

=> \dF+ russian
Text search configuration "pg_catalog.russian"
Parser: "pg_catalog.default"
      Token      | Dictionaries
 asciihword      | english_stem
 asciiword       | english_stem
 email           | simple
 file            | simple
 float           | simple
 host            | simple
 hword           | russian_stem
 hword_asciipart | english_stem
 hword_numpart   | simple
 hword_part      | russian_stem
 int             | simple
 numhword        | simple
 numword         | simple
 sfloat          | simple
 uint            | simple
 url             | simple
 url_path        | simple
 version         | simple
 word            | russian_stem

\dFd[+] [MODÈLE]

Liste les dictionnaires de recherche plein texte (ajouter + pour plus de détails).

=> \dFd
                             List of text search dictionaries
   Schema   |      Name       |                        Description
 pg_catalog | arabic_stem     | snowball stemmer for arabic language
 pg_catalog | armenian_stem   | snowball stemmer for armenian language
 pg_catalog | basque_stem     | snowball stemmer for basque language
 pg_catalog | catalan_stem    | snowball stemmer for catalan language
 pg_catalog | danish_stem     | snowball stemmer for danish language
 pg_catalog | dutch_stem      | snowball stemmer for dutch language
 pg_catalog | english_stem    | snowball stemmer for english language
 pg_catalog | finnish_stem    | snowball stemmer for finnish language
 pg_catalog | french_stem     | snowball stemmer for french language
 pg_catalog | german_stem     | snowball stemmer for german language
 pg_catalog | greek_stem      | snowball stemmer for greek language
 pg_catalog | hindi_stem      | snowball stemmer for hindi language
 pg_catalog | hungarian_stem  | snowball stemmer for hungarian language
 pg_catalog | indonesian_stem | snowball stemmer for indonesian language
 pg_catalog | irish_stem      | snowball stemmer for irish language
 pg_catalog | italian_stem    | snowball stemmer for italian language
 pg_catalog | lithuanian_stem | snowball stemmer for lithuanian language
 pg_catalog | nepali_stem     | snowball stemmer for nepali language
 pg_catalog | norwegian_stem  | snowball stemmer for norwegian language
 pg_catalog | portuguese_stem | snowball stemmer for portuguese language
 pg_catalog | romanian_stem   | snowball stemmer for romanian language
 pg_catalog | russian_stem    | snowball stemmer for russian language
 pg_catalog | serbian_stem    | snowball stemmer for serbian language
 pg_catalog | simple          | simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword
 pg_catalog | spanish_stem    | snowball stemmer for spanish language
 pg_catalog | swedish_stem    | snowball stemmer for swedish language
 pg_catalog | tamil_stem      | snowball stemmer for tamil language
 pg_catalog | turkish_stem    | snowball stemmer for turkish language
 pg_catalog | yiddish_stem    | snowball stemmer for yiddish language

\dFp[+] [MODÈLE]

Liste les analyseurs de recherche plein texte (ajouter + pour plus de détails).

=> \dFp
        List of text search parsers
   Schema   |  Name   |     Description
 pg_catalog | default | default word parser
=> \dFp+
    Text search parser "pg_catalog.default"
     Method      |    Function    | Description
 Start parse     | prsd_start     |
 Get next token  | prsd_nexttoken |
 End parse       | prsd_end       |
 Get headline    | prsd_headline  |
 Get token types | prsd_lextype   |

        Token types for parser "pg_catalog.default"
   Token name    |               Description
 asciihword      | Hyphenated word, all ASCII
 asciiword       | Word, all ASCII
 blank           | Space symbols
 email           | Email address
 entity          | XML entity
 file            | File or path name
 float           | Decimal notation
 host            | Host
 hword           | Hyphenated word, all letters
 hword_asciipart | Hyphenated word part, all ASCII
 hword_numpart   | Hyphenated word part, letters and digits
 hword_part      | Hyphenated word part, all letters
 int             | Signed integer
 numhword        | Hyphenated word, letters and digits
 numword         | Word, letters and digits
 protocol        | Protocol head
 sfloat          | Scientific notation
 tag             | HTML tag
 uint            | Unsigned integer
 url             | URL
 url_path        | URL path
 version         | Version number
 word            | Word, all letters
(23 rows)

\dFt[+] [MODÈLE]

Liste les modèles de recherche plein texte (ajouter + pour plus de détails).

=> \dFt
                           List of text search templates
   Schema   |   Name    |                        Description
 pg_catalog | ispell    | ispell dictionary
 pg_catalog | simple    | simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword
 pg_catalog | snowball  | snowball stemmer
 pg_catalog | synonym   | synonym dictionary: replace word by its synonym
 pg_catalog | thesaurus | thesaurus dictionary: phrase by phrase substitution